Does phal have to show spike before stoping temp difference?
I've had all of my phalaenopsis orchids outside for the month of august in east sun with shade cloth on top. As of the beginning of september it has been too cold outside for them at night (never 60 or above) so they have been in a south window with a sheer curtain. This window was chosen because its the only room I can keep cooler at night (60's) There has always been at least a 10 degree temperature change day/night for these past 2 months.
2 of the phals are showing spikes, the others look good, august outside and then the coolness has brought on new root growth etc, happy, but no spikes yet.
Since the rest of my orchids have to come inside for the winter and need that south window I have to move the phals back to their simple grow light area which stays 72 - 75.
Do the phals HAVE to show a spike before I can take them out of the window, stop giving them temperature changes, and put them into a more steady temperature area? Or will a spike show up later, assuming they actually want and are ready to flower...
Thank you!
Last edited by angeleyedcat; 10-02-2009 at 07:52 PM..