More root rot
I repotted my Phal 8 days ago. The bloom was gone, just cut down the spike and I hadn't repotted since purchasing it. Wanted to see how the roots look. They weren't too bad. Decent amt of firm, green/yellow roots. Cut some off. Dipped the plant in a PHysan solution. Dusted with cinnamon. Repotted in a clear, slotted pot with sphag.
Today I looked at it to see if it needed watering. The sphag was still moist from 8 days ago. And I saw some root rot near the bottom. I took the plant out, cleaned it off and there was more root rot. The roots look way worst then they had last week. I cut more off and dusted with cinnamon. The roots looked really wet so now it's air dryign until I decide what to do.
Please help. The plant started off pretty good and now it's gotten a lot worst.