Originally Posted by Donald
I tried a couple of carniverous plants in my oudoor fish pond this year; Sarracenia leucophylla 'Tarnok' and a Sarracenia 'Cobra Nest' and no luck they took off really nicely and they browned up slowly and seems they are on their last leg. Could it be that in my observations around the pond I didn't see any bugs and when I cut open some open odf the leaves on both there was no evidence of any bugs in them. Could they have starved. I realize this is not an orchid post but I haven't been able to get an answer anywhere else.
Igrew a few of the picher plant by my pond once and they did fairly well but bugs here are plentifull.
I did get some burning but they lived all summer.But I did ocassionaly feed them with dilute miracle grow by
Being carnivorious dosent keep them from adsorbing it through the leaves they just make poor roots for this pourpose since they grow in nitrogen poor soils usually.
Try feeding them a little but to much and they will make smaller traps so very low amounts is better.

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