How do I stop killing my phals
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Old 09-11-2009, 03:20 PM
abszero abszero is offline
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How do I stop killing my phals
Default How do I stop killing my phals

Hi all, I'm very much new to this all - both orchids and dealing with plants in general - and could use some help in overcoming my brown thumb.

My first phal I had about a week and a half before it started getting quite droopy. Based on the advice of the person I bought it from (gardening section at a grocery store), I was watering very lightly about once every 5 or 6 days. The plant was about 30 inches high and in 4-inch pot filled with sphagnum. The bottom tier of leaves turned yellow and fell off shortly before it died of crown rot (I think, it turned black anyway). I was very careful about not getting water onto the leaves.

When I went to get a second phal from a more reputable source, the grower there seemed to think something had to have been wrong with it when I bought it since it rotted through in two weeks. Pretty believable.

But now similar things are happening with my new phal. There's no rot or yellowing yet, but it's pretty droopy and I seem unable to turn it around. The new phal is smaller / younger, in a 3-inch pot with orchid bark. I've been watering it every 4 days (as the new grower advised) for the two weeks I've had it, and I've been soaking the bark under the sink to water it this time around. I've applied an appropriate fertilizer once by misting the roots, and added a humidity tray which took it from about 40% humidity up to 55 or 60%. It's also spent the last week or so out on the deck (north facing, shaded) in case it needed more sun that it was getting on my desk (opposite to a south facing window).

Also, for what it's worth, the bottom two leaves on one side are split down the middle near the base. It's been this way since I got it and seems to be a result of one of the spikes trying to grow out from between those two leaves. I haven't noticed any rotting or changes in the area.

Thanks for any ideas or advice!
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Old 09-11-2009, 03:28 PM
Becky15349 Becky15349 is offline
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I think your phals might need a few changes. Here is what I think phals like best:

1. An East or West facing window - they do need some light. Oftentimes a North window is not enough light and the plants will suffer.
2. Water no more than every 7-10 days. For a beginner grower, watering more often than this will usually cause root rot.
3. Keep a small fan on the plant to discourage rot and fungus
4. Fertilze weakly weekly
5. Humidity is good, but less important if all these other criteria are met
6. As you know, do not let water sit in the crown

I really think, based on my experience, that phals like a bit of sunlight - they seem to do better. Now remember, if you give them a lot of sun, or any sun later in the day, its probably better to acclimiate them to this over time...but just as an example, I have 2 phals, one in SH and one in regular bark media, that are both growing in a south window right now - and its a LOT of light. I keep a fan on their leaves, and neither of them burn, and they grow like wild. Just food for thought
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Old 09-11-2009, 03:55 PM
abszero abszero is offline
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How do I stop killing my phals

Thanks for the fast reply - I was just about to PS a few things I'd forgotten to mention and there was already a response

> 1. An East or West facing window - they do need some light.

I forgot to mention that after giving up on the deck, I've put it in the South-facing window in my room. That and the deck are kinda the only two options I have here :\. I live pretty far South (Texas) so it should be getting a pretty good amount of sun there though.

>2. Water no more than every 7-10 days.

Mhm, I understand the concern, though it seems like droopyness is fundamentally a lack of water. I know that root rot can prevent water absorption, but I have a hard time imagining that the roots could have bad so quickly. Is it worth unpotting to check?

>3. Keep a small fan on the plant to discourage rot and fungus

Another thing I forgot: the ceiling fan on my room generally stays on med-high, and it's been fairly breezy on the deck, so there should be some air movement available to it.

And then one last detail that might be relevant is that the nighttime temperature indoors isn't too different from the daytime... probably 71 vs 78 or so. Is that something I should be worried about?
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Old 09-11-2009, 05:14 PM
zxyqu zxyqu is offline
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How do I stop killing my phals Male

As to the watering schedule mentioned, this is variable between conditions for sure, so 4-5 days may be good for some, while even 7 days is too often for others. How long does it take your media to dry out? As to could the roots go bad that quickly, believe it or not that is a definite possibility. I would definitely have a look at the root system and see what is going on. If you have some good green or thick silvery roots, that is probably not a problem, but wont know until you check. Can you take some picture of the plant/roots/etc for us, that would help
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Old 09-11-2009, 05:27 PM
Becky15349 Becky15349 is offline
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Droopy leaves are caused by not enough water, which is either bc the plant is too dry, or it can't take up water bc the roots have rotted. I would definitely check. Wilty leaves can also be because the sun is strong - which might be a possibility bc you said you have south sun, which they may have not been ready for.

Roots can go bad VERY quickly. I would unpot it and feel the roots - if you squeeze them and they are hallow, they are dead. They should be firm.
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Old 09-11-2009, 06:45 PM
Masdyman Masdyman is offline
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How do I stop killing my phals Male

I would say you are more likely to kill a Phal by overwatering than underwatering .This goes also for many orchids .
Every 4-5 days seems too much ,much better to go for 7-10 days ,if in doubt leave watering out is my motto !
If overwatering the roots will quickly rot rendering the plant unable to take in water ,which causes droopy then yellowing leaves .For most this seams like the plant requires more water so it gets it making the problem worse .
Regards Keith
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Old 09-11-2009, 06:53 PM
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What kind of water are you using. If using tap water and you have a water softener, you'll kill your Phals every time.
You need to shade it if it's in a southern exposure. Especially in Texas!
Becky is right about Phals being able to take alot of light, but it needs to be a very gradual acclimation. In nature, most grow in deep shade.

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Old 09-11-2009, 07:25 PM
lais817 lais817 is offline

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How do I stop killing my phals Male

Originally Posted by Becky15349 View Post
2. Water no more than every 7-10 days. For a beginner grower, watering more often than this will usually cause root rot.
I water mine daily, and I've never killed one yet. It all depends on your media and your location, I live in tropical Australia, and if I watered once every week, they'd all be brown and crispy by now

The best advice is to poke a skinny wooden stick carefully into the centre of the medium and leave it there a few seconds, then pull it out. If the tip is moist to touch/darker than the rest of the stick, you don't need to water. If it is dry, you know you have to give it a drink.

Just my two cents
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Old 09-11-2009, 10:03 PM
dounoharm dounoharm is offline
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a note on fertilizers....never fert a dry plant....always water first, then fert....
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Old 09-12-2009, 12:04 AM
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Here're a couple of Phals growing in the wild.

Does this help?
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bought, killing, leaves, phal, phals, rot, stop, watering

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