Worried about Phal orchid - cut flower spike!!
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Worried about Phal orchid - cut flower spike!!
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Old 08-24-2009, 04:09 PM
flowerpower flowerpower is offline
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Worried about Phal orchid - cut flower spike!!
Default Worried about Phal orchid - cut flower spike!!

Hi everyone, I'm a new member

I have had my Phalaenopsis for well over a year. It had beautiful purple blooms at the time. Since then, it hasn't flowered or shown any intention of doing so.

I learned that its possible to cut the flower spike so I've done this. Is it cut in a good place? I'm so worried I've cut it wrong and it'll die. I know you can cut it all the way back but I just want it to bloom once more before I do this. What should I expect to happen next???

Also: does anybody know if the leaves are on the dark side? I'm not sure it's been getting enough light to bloom? I have moved it to a brighter area.

If anybody knows then I'd be most grateful

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Old 08-24-2009, 04:18 PM
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If those spikes have been on the plant for well over a year, it could've put out newer growths from it. Whether they be more plants or more flowers. Either way, I assume that's what you'd want.

I've had a Phal that did the same thing yours did. The spike just stayed green and did nothing for over a year. Just now it's putting on new growth and may be blooming some time in the near future.

With orchids, sometimes it's just a waiting game.

Patience is definitely key, and it totally goes against the speed and impatience of the way society works at the present.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 08-24-2009 at 04:42 PM..
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Old 08-24-2009, 04:21 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Hi flowerpower and welcome to Orchid Board

You won't kill your Phal by cutting the spike. Personally I would cut the spikes off completely but some people like to leave them. They may flower again from the same spikes but not always.

Where did you buy it from? I've seen ones in pots like that arround here (I'm in the Midlands). I can't remember from when I saw them, is there an inner pot or is it planted directly in the white pot? If there is no inner pot I would strongly advise repotting in a clear plastic post with holes in the bottom.

Anyway, your question about light. I will make the assumption that most places in the UK will get similar light to me. I keep my Phals in an east window which is generally about right. Phals don't like it too bright, they generally like indirect but quite bright light. I find that the morning light is fine for them but a south/west window would be too much.

If you move yours for more light, move it a bit at a time, getting brighter and brighter. If you move it suddenly it may scorch.

As for getting more flowers... well a lot of Phals (although not all) will start new spikes over the winter when the temps drop. My hubby and I only heat the house in the daytime over the winter and the cooler temps at night are enough to trigger new flower spikes.
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Old 08-24-2009, 04:29 PM
flowerpower flowerpower is offline
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Worried about Phal orchid - cut flower spike!!

Originally Posted by RosieC View Post
Hi flowerpower and welcome to Orchid Board

You won't kill your Phal by cutting the spike. Personally I would cut the spikes off completely but some people like to leave them. They may flower again from the same spikes but not always.

Where did you buy it from? I've seen ones in pots like that arround here (I'm in the Midlands). I can't remember from when I saw them, is there an inner pot or is it planted directly in the white pot?

Thanks for the warm welcome. I actually bought my Orchid from a giant Tesco in East London. It was part of the Tesco Finest range.

Inside the white pot, there is indeed a clear plastic pot. I take it to the sink when I water it and make sure it has drained. I remember I got the shock of my life when I saw what an Orchid's roots look like

I'm glad cutting it hasn't done any damage. Hopefully it's a decent place to make the cut? Would you recommend doing the same cut on the opposite stem or leave it and see what happens?
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Old 08-24-2009, 04:41 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Originally Posted by flowerpower View Post
Thanks for the warm welcome. I actually bought my Orchid from a giant Tesco in East London. It was part of the Tesco Finest range.
Ah, it could be a Tescos I saw it in. I always look in the supermarkets when I'm there, which is why I end up with so many NoIDs.

Your watering method sounds good. Phal roots do look weird don't they. You may already know this tip, but I would advise alway waiting till the roots turn silvery before watering again. It's a good way to make sure you don't over water.

Personally I always remove the spikes completely, so if you're going to leave them I'm not sure what the best place to cut is. I like the general spike cutting advise from one of our members called Ray. See the link to his website below.

Spike Cutting
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Old 08-24-2009, 04:53 PM
flowerpower flowerpower is offline
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Worried about Phal orchid - cut flower spike!!

Thanks for the link. A lot of the expert growers seem to cut the plant back to the base. I might do this then, especially if there are going to be stronger flowers.

Will it take ages to re-grow the entire spike, or just a little bit longer? I am unsure how much of a stump to leave at the base of the plant - 2 cm?

Thanks for answering my questions! I suppose I'm just eager to see those bright purple blooms again!
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Old 08-24-2009, 04:58 PM
flowerpower flowerpower is offline
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Worried about Phal orchid - cut flower spike!!

I didn't realise letting the roots go silver is the thing to do - thanks for the tip!
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Old 08-24-2009, 05:05 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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If you decide to cut it right down cut it as close to the plant as you can without damaging the plant. I leave 1-2cm usually.

A new spike will grow from a different place on the plant and will likely take a couple of months to grow. It all depends on conditions though and sometimes it can seem to stall for a while. Reflowering any orchid usually involves patience while you wait for it to grow, and then for the buds to form and grow but as Ray's link suggests, you get better blooms and the plant will generally get stronger as a result of being able to concentrate on growing in between.

Now of course if you are getting too impatient you could do what I seem to end up doing... getting another orchid . You need to watch out, we're all great 'enablers' here and you will soon find your collection growing. When I came here to Orchid Board (only just over a year ago) I had just 1 and now I have just got my 18th, but that's slow compared to some people here.

Last edited by RosieC; 08-24-2009 at 05:08 PM..
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Old 08-24-2009, 05:16 PM
flowerpower flowerpower is offline
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Worried about Phal orchid - cut flower spike!!

Originally Posted by RosieC View Post
If you decide to cut it right down cut it as close to the plant as you can without damaging the plant. I leave 1-2cm usually.

Now of course if you are getting too impatient you could do what I seem to end up doing... getting another orchid . You need to watch out, we're all great 'enablers' here and you will soon find your collection growing. When I came here to Orchid Board (only just over a year ago) I had just 1 and now I have just got my 18th, but that's slow compared to some people here.
I know what you mean, I've been so tempted to buy more orchids! The only reason I haven't was because they looked uncared for in the garden centre. Maybe I should have got one out of pity. Then I could nurse it back to health and pair it up with my current orchid. They had a different species too
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Old 08-24-2009, 05:53 PM
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Hi Flowerpower & welcome to the OB! Rosies advice is ace! I have one like yours - a big noid bought from a garden centre (probably from holland as they mostly are in Europe)I too have left the spikes on the plant as they are still green , although was last in flower a year ago - meanwhile it has grown 2 new leaves & lots of roots too but the spike has not 'budged' at all...I'm definitely thinking I should cut both off as summer will soon be coming to an end & seeing there's been no movement on new buds or sub spikes ...? I know it's in the right 'spot' as all my phals spike in this corner of my living room ...
Let us know If you decide to cut all off & what happens? good luck & remember Rosie's advice on watering when roots look silvery coloured !
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