I inherited my Dendrobium a couple of months ago and have learned all I know from reading these forums. It was in bloom at the time. The flowers have all wilted and fallen off now. It has a couple of new bulby things growing off the larger bulbs. I keep it under a grow light set to stay on 14 hours per day sitting on a humidity tray. It is potted in what looks like bark (clear plastic pot with drain holes inside a clay pot). I water by drenching the bark with weak fertilizer solution a couple of times per week and then let it drain. I have several questions.
1) Am I supposed to cut off the new growth (bulbs that are growing at the base of a larger bulb) or let them grow?
2) Do the leaves die back once blooming is done or do they keep going?
3) Do they need a rest period when I should cut back light--I live in Michigan so it will be getting colder in the basement where I keep it.
4) Some of the roots are white--I read that some owners let their plants soak when they water and then drain. Should I be doing that?
5) If I treat it well will it bloom again?
Thanks so much for any help you can give. I don't want to kill this beautiful plant.