I am a phal killer - I recently mounted a couple that didn't look bad but when i unpotted them one had rotted roots, the other just not good looking roots. Both started growing roots within a week of being mounted. I tend to go light on the moss on mounts - can always add more if neccessary - with the warm dry days we have in summer I water WELL (shower the entire mount under faucet) every day - when we had especially hot and dry (temps around 100 humidity in the teens) I watered a second time in late afternoon with a sprayer
June 9
June 22
both pix were taken shortly after plants were mounted - both have grown some in the short time since.
pix from today
Some people obviously grow phals well in pots - I am not one of them lol
I do have a potted stuartiana that is doing well in a pot tho
But I do recommend trying mounting them if you are having trouble growing them in pots and/or you just wish to try it - they do seem to like it