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Old 08-01-2009, 02:23 AM

Join Date: Jul 2009
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can you help me out? Male
Default can you help me out?

Hello I'm new here and i have always been interesed in chids for a long time. i wanted to know if anyone can help me choose the right orchids for my growing conditions. i will putting up a grow area/chamber in my living room with some small fans, chelving and grow lights. besides orchids i will be growing alot of Nepenthes in highland conditions. now what orchids would you folks recomend me growing? im looking for something of a med grower. varition of sizes of mature flowering plants ranging from small to larger size no bigger then 12in. i would also like to mount some of these orchids on some wood to make it look more attractive. i will also want to add a mini misting system. mind you the grow area will be made of the metal shelving you can find at any hardwear store. as soon as i get ideas from you folks i will show you the work in progress. thanks for everything. Glenn
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Old 08-01-2009, 03:25 AM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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If your 12" limitation includes the flower spike, you probably want to stay with the miniatures or compacts. With your set up it sounds like you can grow pretty much what you want.
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Old 08-01-2009, 05:44 AM
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What's the temperature range of your growing area? How strong will your lighting be? How small of a plant or flower is your limit? Species, hybrids, or either one? Terrestrial or epiphyte (I'm speaking generally here in this question, there are too many specifics to go over)? Do you mind flowers that stink? Or are pleasant smelling or non-fragrant flowers your thing. How much are you willing to water?
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Old 08-01-2009, 07:02 AM
orchidsamore orchidsamore is offline
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can you help me out? Male

Phalaenopsis are the first choice since they are available and low light. Your size limits rules out most but there are many miniature and semi-miniature you can chose. Phal pulcherrima comes in several varieties and blooming this time of year.

Lady slippers take very low light and have that exotic look about them Literally thousands of varieties from which to chose.

Most orchids will grow in a room temperature but light is an issue for flowering.

Most orchids need a certain light level to initiate flowering. Lady slippers 900 foot candles, Phalaenopsis 1500, which is easy indoors, then Oncidium which are much larger than your desired range at 2500 fc, Dendrobium and Cattleya at 3500
Vanda are not appropriate for you except for Rhyncostylis gigantia which grows like a Phalaenopsis, stays reasonably sized and grows in a pot.

You sound like you intend to grow these cool. Most will handle it fine. In addition you can select some of the cooler growing orchids like Miltonia (pansy orchids) or Masdevallia. Zygopedilum are very fragrant and like cooler temps (50-80 degrees for all of these)

I have photos of all these in groups you could browse at Orchid Gallery selection page
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Old 08-01-2009, 11:29 AM
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My thoughts on growing a Phalaenopsis for someone who has never ever grown an orchid is that it is not the easiest choice, (although it is still one of the easier choices, if this makes sense).

I say this because there are soooo many questions regarding Phalaenopsis care and problems associated with them here on the OB and probably elsewhere as well.

The situation with Phals is that not many people are aware of how they grow in nature. There are too many misconceptions about this. Not to mention there's a lot of misinformation as well. Then there's the issue of how the orchids are treated before they get to the hands of the hobbyist. Phals are also not as forgiving as certain other plants in the orchid family, (like I said before, there are more unforgiving plants than Phals).

This problem does not extend to most plants that are in the Cattleya Alliance as much. My observations are that the questions and problems with Catts aren't nearly as plentiful as those with Phals.

I believe that while people may not fully know or understand how most plants from the Cattleya Alliance may grow in nature, it's much easier to "accidentally" accomodate and approximate their needs. I also feel that most plants from the Cattleya Alliance are generally pretty sturdy and very resilient.

These are my thoughts.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 08-01-2009 at 11:40 AM..
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