Hi my 2 cents worth: your plant looks like has/has had both problems;
Too dry & Too wet ..
but be assuured it is more than 'recoverable'!!!!

2 of your 'older' p/bulbs are turning brown/black..
You need to check if the dark part is soft or Still hard? From your photos it looks like it's been sunburned & has had a lack of water.(not enough humidity in the air (leaf tips brown) But looks like its nice & wet... The black parts have probably developped from lack of adequate ventilation after being watered- therefore staying too wet... although your fattest/newest growth looks OK.
One thing I know is that Sharry baby definitely likes water!
My Sharry baby was in bark for a year and flowered last winter, since then I noticed some of the leaves were pleating so, I waited for new roots (also helped it along with soaking in KLN) and she is now very happy in s/h....
Are there any new roots developping anywhere? If you can post a pic of the roots - I am sure we can help you get it growing again!