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Old 07-24-2009, 02:28 PM
MegRoseGrows MegRoseGrows is offline
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Looking to Orient myself in this site
Default Looking to Orient myself in this site

I a so sure that I am missing a basic faq here somewhere. I know it is irritating when new members don't find and read that faq before posting questions. But I am just not seeing it, so I apologize.

Here are my newbie questions. I will be happy for directions. I have looked through some of the species threads on the phals alliance group for orchids I'm interested in, but mostly see congratulations on thngs that are blooming (which is great that's what forums are for!) but not as much informational questions. I know I'm just missing it somehow.

1) How do I find places where members have successfully purchased orchids on the web and were happy. I'm planning ahead for next year and want to get several phal. amabalis. If I could buy a flask for a good price I would like to do that.

* Where is a good general spot in the species phals forum or elsewhere to hang out/look and just learn about things people have learned about growing and buying ?

2) I'm working on figuring out how to grow phals (as well as cymbidiums better) in my temperate patio in the penninsula of the San Fran Bay Area and am experimenting a lot with placing plants in different areas and just looking to see what happens. Also I am taking into account I will need to over-winter the phals inside. I have a thermometer out there. I was actually pleased that I managed to burn the leaves on two (inexpensive) phals yesterday as I didn't measure enough sun there to grow them. So that tells me maybe I can shade cloth there, move a cymbidum in and see what happens to it.

*I don't actually know how/if I can rescue the phals whose leaves I burned or not. Not sure how or where to ask that. It is not crucial as I went to Orchid Mania in SanFrancisco for a class field trip and bought them there for $5 each. If you don't live in this area they are a non-profit greenhouse that basically resells donated orchids and turns the money into support for AIDS projects. I learned how to do hands on repotting of phals there too,then bought what I and a couple of my classmates repotted for my outdoor laboratory.

thanks for guiding my footsteps however you can

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Old 07-24-2009, 02:46 PM
kiki-do kiki-do is offline
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HI Meg, Welcome to OB!
I have trouble maneuvering around sometimes. What I would suggest to do to find out about the care of your orchids, would be to the left of the page is called Site Menu. If you go down and click on Member Articles, you will have a nice selection of choices. Down among them would be culture sheets. I think it covers most of the orchids.
Or....in forum, you can click on the type orchid you are interested in, and you will see many threads about that certain one, and find a title(s) that closely matches what you are looking for. We even have a vendor thread where people recommend places to buy from.
On the Home page, in the center, are interesting articles of members techniques in growing, etc. That's always been an informative section for me.
And if you don't see what you are looking for, or I've misunderstood your question, just ask again. Someone will direct you...way better than I can.
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Old 07-24-2009, 03:08 PM
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The majority of the questions here are regarding Phalaenopsis culture.

I also highly recommend researching the country of origin of the plant you want to purchase. Another thing to look for are pics of how they grow in nature (there are a few, but probably not of Phal amabilis specifically).

Charles and Margaret Baker's Orchid Culture Sheet site is awesome. There are some sample sheets that are free just to check out what kind of information is available on the culture and environment of the orchid species in question. This is a great resource as well.

Phal amabilis pops up every now and then. Occassionally Oak Hills Garden will carry large seedlings of them for an inexpensive price.

In the meantime, Oak Hills Garden also carries Phal species of different kinds for reasonable prices.

If you'd like a recommendation for another easy species of Phalaenopsis to try out in the meantime, I can give you one.

If you're also looking for Cymbidium species. Andy's Orchids has tons of them.
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Old 07-26-2009, 01:16 AM
Doc G Doc G is offline

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always-orchids.com sells flasks. The only phal. specie available currently is cornu-cervi.

Whether or not you can save the sun burned Phals. depends on how many leaves and how badly they were damaged. Don't give up on them just because they didn't cost a lot. Nursing an ailing orchid back to health can be a rewarding and educational experience.
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