I wouldn't try a powder based routing hormone. Dosing is critical. Too much can also inhibit growth, that is why people here advise KLN or Superthive, as we are familiar working with it. If I remember well I read that powdered rooting hormones aren't soluble in water.
About winklash, I'm not familiar with it, but you can use
You don't have to register in order to use it.
Browse to the desired picture on your computer, don't check 'resize image' and click 'start upload'.
The next screen will look like this one:
In an orange box you see a link with right behind that the text 'Direct link to image'. If you copy the URL in that orange box and past it here when you type a message (insert image option) you can show us a nice large picture from the roots from the plant.
Going to bed now Help, it's past 1 am here
. 'till tomorrow.