What have I got myself into?
I went to the Ratcliffe Orchids Open Day today. They specialise in Paphs mostly. I've not grown Paphs before, but was tempted by the Open Day Special - 5 seedlings for £12.50.
The crosses are:
P. primulinum x armeniacum var. markii 'album'
P. rothschildianun 'Whitethroat' x gardnerii
P. hirsutissimum var. esquirolei x hirsutissimum var. esquirolei
P. Raisin Jack 'Nice One' x argus 'Hilsea'
P. Saint Swithun
Having never grown Paphs, I have been looking around at the cultural information and it appears that this is not a homogenous group, but I assume that seedlings need basically the same cultural requirements, right? When do I need to start to differentiate? (Approximately is what I'm asking for - to know what to expect, as I know I will need to just watch the plants and respond accordingly for the most part...)
Any information on the crosses would be appreciated!
Winchester, UK