you have a very nice orchid....keep the tag with the plant, or make a tag for it if it doenst have one....a tagless orchid is called a no id....or has a nice red flower, loads of em and grows really fast, like a weed almost....provide bright indirect sunlight, water once a week or so....depending on whether its in moss or bark....moss requires less frequent want it almost dry before watering again....fert every month....the black spot on the leaf could be sunburn or something else fungal or bacterial in nature, usually treated with physan 20....cant tell without with your new addiction! i am sure someone else will chime in with more and better info than i have given....this is a great forum for learning and sharing!
Last edited by dounoharm; 06-17-2009 at 10:38 PM..
Reason: correction in spelling, lol