i am new here and i am having some difficulty viewing forum posts. i can see thumbnail images for posts where they are included, but when i try to click them they open as a larger photo for just a split second, then close again.
i am working from a Mac. does anybody have any suggestions?
Are you using Safari? If you are the problem is not coming from the Mac, but from the browser. There seems to be a a compatibility issue between the latest update of OB with some browsers. The problem has been brought up before, and in that case, to open thumbnails you need to right click and select 'open in new tab' or open in new window'. Or doing Shift+click opens it.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
I had the same problem with my Mac and a simple solution was given on the forum: "Shift +Click works all the time for me." The thread is still there under "Welcome - Home".
Cym Ladye
Last edited by Cym Ladye; 06-13-2009 at 12:07 PM..
better than "shift +click" (my own opinion!) is "right click" + "Open in new tab", this way you avoid several windows being opened all the time... this works in both Safari and Shiira...