(Like we aren't already there!)
I will apologize in advance if this is "too commercial", and will not begrudge it being killed by a moderator (but I would like an email notification first).
I am VERY pleased to announce that we have begun carrying a new line of ecologically-friendly flower pots.
You’ve probably heard and/or read about them already, but these are hot-pressed from agricultural byproducts (mostly grain hulls) and natural, starch-based binding agents and biodegradable additives, with no organic solvents or other toxic ingredients used in the production process. Even the scraps are reground and reused.
Depending upon your specific conditions, these pots will last anywhere from 3 to 5 years, and can be composted and incorporated back into the earth where they will biodegrade, adding organic matter to the soil. Do not confuse them with peat pots, as the consistency is more like a typical plastic pot.
They ain't overly pretty (we have some of those, too), but that seems less of an issue for serious orchid growers than most.

If you’re interested, check out “The Store” at our website.