So what first brought me to Orchid Board was my sick Phal. Thanks to everyone who has helped on the various posts about it.
Of course the big up-side was I have loved every minute of being here, especially all the wonderful orchid pics which I seem to spend hours every day looking through. I would not have found this place, except for this Phal
Anyway, here is an update, and hopefully an encouragement for anyone who has lost most of their roots. It's still by no means a healthy Phal, but it's grown some roots in the last few months
(click on pics to enlarge them)
They might not look like much, but at the beginning of Jan (6 months after I first noticed it was sick) it had just two roots, the outer old looking two.
Now there are five new ones the shortest of which (poking out from the back of the top pic) is over half an inch long. I have also noticed today a new root nubbin coming from the body of the plant just above where I previously stopped it spiking, and another root nubbing branching from the longest of the new roots (on the right of the pic).
The oldest two leaves are very wrinkled and floppy and have been for months, I'm amazed they have clung on so long. But the inner two leaves (which have grown since it got sick) are stong and firm. There is also just the very point of another new leaf starting to show in the last week.
Of course yet again this plant is waisting it's energy and trying to spike again.

I won't let it, and as soon as the spike is long enough to remove without damaging the plant I will.
One concern currently is that the healthy leaves are very dark and red, and grew that way. This was always a dark leaved Phal (flowers are purple) but it has got reder and reder since it lost it's roots
