Help! I have a new orchid I know NOTHING about and I am afraid it is doomed unless I get some help. This was my Christmas present and the pictures of it in bloom are beautiful, but I have never had a Cycnoches before.
I have done some research and I now understand that it is supposed to look like it does right now. When it first arrived with no leaves, only two pseudobulbs I thought it was dead. From what I have read it needs minimal attention until it comes out of hibernation sometime in May. This does not give me enough information to be confident I won't kill it. Can someone give me some kindergarten level care instructions for this orchid?
Is it Cycnodes Wine Delight 'JEM', the one who won the FCC/AOS, if so you have a treasure. Those who go through a dorment spell require very little water and no fertiziler. Just keep your humidity up and increase the watering and fertizing when you start to see new growth coming. This is also a good time to repot and increase it's light levels. Do you grow under lights or in a greenhouse?
I don't have one of these myself so I can't give you anymore advise, but perhaps someone on this board might know more.
Sorry for the slow reply, but work is bad about getting in the way of more important things, like orchids and the discussion of them. No, my orchid is not Cycnoches Wine Delight 'JEM', but now I want one ! Mine is Cyc. Cooperi and it is my Christmas present from my husband, so I would really like to avoid "orchidicide" if possible. I have several other kinds of orchids, but this one is totally out of my realm of experience. Lashelle
I have a cooperi with a lot of dormacy goin' on. I periodically mist, never water during this time unless the psuedo's show stress than a little drink works wonders. I am not sure of the dormacy duration, but keep a watch on the new growth and at that time start a watering regimen with bi-weekly weakly fertilizing.
Oh WOW! Great information! This orchid just might survive. It at least has a better chance now. When I first got it I have to confess I thought it was dead or at least terminal until a little research told me it was supposed to look that way. I will be providing updates as things progress. Lashelle