Hello Ladies and Gentleman,
I am in desperate need of some help! I recently received 5 orchids as gifts and am not sure how to care for them...I need to know several things asap so that I dont harm them, as I realize that these are very sensitive creatures and require AAA care. If there is anyone out there who can help me, myself and my Orchids would appreciate it greatly! I currently reside in Vermont and live in an apartment. I have an enclosed porch which has 6 windows that get great sunbeams shooting into them. Currently the temperature varies greatly from the day to night and ranges from 55 degrees in the evening to 65-70 in the daytime. I do not have any of the windows open as I understand that the orchids are sensitive to drafts. I have been trying to collect as much information on the internet as I can and so far I am feeling pretty doomed. I have always dreamed of having a beautiful orchid garden and am hoping that I can make these orchids very happy. I was given: 1) Louisendorf Orchid 2) Phalaenopsis Liodoro 3)Paphiopedilum Love Song (acmodontum 'Fair Lady' x sukhakulii 'Flashdance')4) (quantity 2) Phalaenopsis
I of course have many concerns but my main questions are:
1. how much light do they need?
2. will they be happy in the sunporch area that I described above? In a window area with sunbeams of light? or, should I get them some other source of additional light such as a horticultural light?
3. will the temperature changes from day to night harm them?
4. how often do they need watering?
5. should I buy a humidifier for them as I heard that they like a moist atmosphere?
6. what is the best kind of 'food' to give them?
I realize that I should have done more research before aquiring these beautiful plants, but, as I stated above, my Fiance went out and bought them for me not understanding how much care they need...because of his thoughtfulness and my dream of having them I have quite a sentimental attachment already and would love to see them thrive. Can anyone please help me? Thanks in advance...