help everyone. I am very new to the orchid hobby. I have five phalenopsis of unknown variety. My husband just recently gave me the fifth phal, with lovely deep purple flowers and deep green, healthy leaves. The flowers are on two flower spikes. However there are two old spikes from previous flowerings still attached. They are not old brown and dry but soft and alive with green leaves on small stalks growing out of all the old nodes. I have only had this plant for a week and she came to me like this. There are not roots from the leaves and the total number of nodes with leaves growing from them are 28. Are these the keiki that I have read about. I doesnt really look like the pics I see on he inernet. Help. I am trying to get a pic once my camera cooperates and I will see if I can post it tomorrow. The leaves from the nodes are small and soft on their little stalks, not like the leathery leaves of the parent plant. Any help would be appreciated. When my husband gave me this plant it was so wet and sitting in water which I promptly drained and took out of the plastic lined clay pot it was in so it could air out. The plant is actually potted in a typical clear plastic orchid pot with vents down the side and on the bottom. It was just sitting in this plastic lined aged clay pot. I dont think the store he got it at had a clue how to care for orchids and just soaked them. I think that must be why the few flowers are droopy. No room temp change and no ripening fruit nearby. A few of the flowers are droopy but not all of them. Otherwise a healthy looking plant. Please help with the questionable keiki and flower problem. Thank you from the newbie. Deb Hey guys, these are the pics. Let me know what you think. Thanks, Deb
Last edited by seasidedeb; 04-27-2009 at 09:11 PM..
please do not post the same question multiple times, just pick what you think is the most appropriate forum, and post it there. the leaves you mentioned are probably bracts, not keikis. I'd need to see a picture to be sure. The droopy flowers are probably just done blooming, the ones closest to the plant typically open first, and are the first to finish.
Kip is right...we'd have to see a before being able to give a definite answer but it sounds like bracts, not keiki.
I removed the other two threads you had posted this question to...three threads for one question will just create confusion. It's best to just choose which forum you think it might work best in...if it needs to be moved somewhere else for better response we'll take care of that for you