I recently bought a Phal and it has loads of beautiful flowers and new buds coming through.

I had a Phal before but due to no knowing I had to cut it back it did not survive

I am now ever more determined not to let this happen again. I have been researching when and where to cut the stem when cutting back and most come up up with the same idea of cutting it an inch from the leaves (I also had a great read on the other post in this beginner section about cutting) But I did find one Orchid site that said after the first flowing is over I cut it back to about an inch above the first notch and then after its second flowering I cut it right back to an inch from the leaves. As I've only had my Phal a little while how do I know what is its first flowering and second flowering? Do they occur at different times of the year? Should I just cut it back to the leaves when the flowers drop off?
Sorry for the really long message, im not used to writing threads etc. I am very much a newbie