Awesome orchids! While getting orchids on lunch breaks sounds great, I'm glad I can't or else I'd be even more broke than I am now!

I looked up the Helcia on Orchidwiz, and the info is similar to what Ray found.
Light: 1500-2500fc, with strong air movement
Temp: days 71-77F and nights 51-57F. It adapts well to temps 10F warmer or cooler than that, but some growers say it prefers to be grown on the cool side of the intermediate range.
Humidity: 75%+ (since it's from a cloud forest)
Watering: much water during growing season, with only slight drying out between waterings. Reduce water after growths mature.
Blooms start to appear early winter.
That sounds like a really nice plant, and the pictures I just say of it look amazing.