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01-13-2009, 01:01 PM
Jr. Member
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Help needed for a Phal that seems like its about to bloom (pics included)
Hi everyone
My Phal has entered something like a 'dormant' state for quite some time after it shed it's flowers (see that post:
Finally, new flower shoots are growing back after almost half a year of no changes.
I water the plant with low-chlorine water once a week, and use no fertilizer. Here is a pictures of the new shoots:
And here is in overall pic of the plant, with the new shoots highlighted:
Do you guys think I should start fertilizing it (I have instructions)? I am still wondering why the flowers that the plant had in the beginning fell (check my old post, link at top^). I just hope this time, they last longer!
Also, should I just leave the plant like that or should I trim the parts of the stem that are above the new flower spikes that are forming?
I'd appreciate any help, thanks in advance!
01-13-2009, 01:21 PM
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I don't know how long it bloomed the first time, but the duration seems to depend a lot on the hybrid, assuming all other conditions are good (i.e. when in bloom, don't move it too much, no drafts, to sudden temperature changes, no direct sun...) In my orchids, some phals naturally bloom 6 weeks, and I have one that blooms 9 months!
As was said in your previous thread, it is really important to fertilize it, weakly weekly. Although your orchid may seem fine, you are starving it of the nutrients it needs to grow and successfully bloom. An orchid fertilizer is a must, especially after so long without it. I fertilize mine all year, every watering (but I flush out the pot once a month to remove accumulated salts.)
Congrats on the side spikes though!
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
My Orchid Photos
01-13-2009, 01:36 PM
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Hi nutmeg, I agree with Camille: "fertilize it, weakly weekly".
Horray on the reblooms!
01-13-2009, 03:39 PM
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I agree as well. Get an Orchid fertiliser and fertilise weakly weekly, whether it is doing anything or not. It's very important to note what Camille says though, and once a month flush through without fertilizer to make sure you don't get a build up of salts.
Congratulations on the new spikes
01-13-2009, 10:39 PM
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I agree with what everyone has said. You can trim the old stalks to about an inch above the new growths. Good luck. Congrats on the new spikes!
01-16-2009, 05:49 AM
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Thanks for the replies!
Ok, I shall get myself some orchid fertilizer and fertilize it weakly weekly.
But what does "once a month, flush through without fertilizer" mean? I just water it without fertilizer?
One last question, someone suggested that I cut the stems one inch above the new side shoots. How should I treat the cut so that it doesn't get infected or anything bad like that?
Thanks in advance!
01-17-2009, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by nutmeg_trippin'
But what does "once a month, flush through without fertilizer" mean? I just water it without fertilizer?
What I do is just pour water (plain water) through from the top of the pot until it drips out the bottom, trying to get all the bark wet all arround the pot as I go.
In the summer I just turn on the tap gently and hold the pot under the tap getting the bark wet but avoiding the Phal. Once water has run through the pot for a while I let it drain.
In the winter the tap water is very cold, so I get a jug of luke warm water and do something similar.
The idea is that you get the pure water to carry the built up fertiliser salts out of the pot and away.
01-17-2009, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by nutmeg_trippin'
One last question, someone suggested that I cut the stems one inch above the new side shoots. How should I treat the cut so that it doesn't get infected or anything bad like that?
I've used a bit of cinnomon in the past, just dabbed on the cut end. But I've also just left it with nothing in the past.
Some people here say it's a good idea, others say it is not needed.
If you're worried then cinnomon on the cut end of the flower stem can't hurt.
01-17-2009, 11:26 AM
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I usually never cut a living flower spike. I only cut where the spike has dryed out. Less chance of infecting the plant this way and you never know, the tip of the spike might start pushing new growth and buds as well.
The only times that I have cut a live spike from a phal was when the plant was not healthy enough to support flowering. The other time was where I had a phal rebloom from the same spike 3 years in a row without growing any new flower spikes. It was getting pretty gangly looking so I cut it off. It now has a new flower spike growing.
01-17-2009, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by RosieC
What I do is just pour water (plain water) through from the top of the pot until it drips out the bottom, trying to get all the bark wet all arround the pot as I go.
In the summer I just turn on the tap gently and hold the pot under the tap getting the bark wet but avoiding the Phal. Once water has run through the pot for a while I let it drain.
In the winter the tap water is very cold, so I get a jug of luke warm water and do something similar.
The idea is that you get the pure water to carry the built up fertiliser salts out of the pot and away.
Thanks for the advice, but I usually hear that overwatering an Orchid can be quite bad (root rot), how can I flush the salts without risking root rot?
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