I'm new to the orchid forum, but I am quite familiar with orchids and orchid care.
I bought this little orchid a few months back from a little orchid store in Toronto, and it has been doing fine ( or so I thought) till about a week ago. At first I saw that there were a few leaves with little brown spots and a little yellowing at the tips, and when i woke up this morning the leaves that had this problem were completely yellow.
It is winter so there is very low light at this time but i am using a grow bulb close to the plants so that they get some light. The window that it is by is not cool- and there are no drafts at all.
I have fertilized it lightly once a month, and I water it about once a week.
I am also not sure what type of orchid this is - the lady told me but i couldn't understand her, all i know is that it'll have yellow flowers
hmmm...all I can say is that in my experience once a leaf starts to turn yellow it goes VERY quickly - sometimes overnight. I don't know that you are doing anything wrong. Maybe it was just their time to go? The rest of the plant looks good.
You'll have to verify this, but it looks to me like those are the leaves on the old pseudobulbs, and the newer ones - those grown outward from the old ones - are fine.
If that's the case, when they drop off, throw them away and don't worry about it.
You'll have to verify this, but it looks to me like those are the leaves on the old pseudobulbs, and the newer ones - those grown outward from the old ones - are fine.
If that's the case, when they drop off, throw them away and don't worry about it.
Well there are three pseudobulbs bulbs and a brand new shoot. So it is an older one that is going. Well i believe it is older than the other two although it is smaller than the ones that are doing fine.
So should i cut it off somehow ( the yellow pseudobulb) or should I let it be and what till its completly gone to pull it out. What is the procedure with the pseudobulbs as I haven't had this variety before?
Is it the leaves on the pbulb or the pbulb itself? if the pbulb is going yellow it could be on its way out. i would repot it to make sure the roots are good and you dont have any critters. I have had an issue with a yellow/brown pbulb and i cut it cause they dont green up after they start to turn... once its yellow that bulb is done. Experts should chyme in here and confirm I'm not wrong.
You'll have to verify this, but it looks to me like those are the leaves on the old pseudobulbs, and the newer ones - those grown outward from the old ones - are fine.
If that's the case, when they drop off, throw them away and don't worry about it.
It is just the inside leaves and there is a little bit of yellowing on the top the pbulb.
If I repot it should I use a larger clay pot, or what do these types of orchids like? Also, it is in a mix of coconut husk and perlite, does this sound good, or should i use something else?