I have a den thats growing well. It has about 7 or 8 canes so i was wondering if i could divide it to make 2 plants. The older canes still have leaves but it seems to only produce baby canes off the newest canes. If I divide it would it produce new growth off the old canes as well? I have recently repotted it into S/H so i had a good look at the root system. The older canes have a good root system so is it safe?
Is it worth dividing the plant? The back bulbs would be providing the new growth with nutrients and I'm guessing thats why the new growth on the plant is doing so well. If I divide the plant is it possible that the newest cane thats currently growing will be stunted? How much does new growth rely on back bulbs? How common is it for a cluster of old canes to produce new growth?
I guess the question is "Why" you want to divide the plant? A plant with more pbulbs will give you more and better flowers. So unless you want to give a division to a friend, or experiment growing in different media, then there's really not a big hurry to divide your dend.
i can relate, lol....yes you can divide it if you want to, just be sure to leave enuf canes to establish a new plant...ie: three or more....as to when to divide a den, i am not sure, better wait till someone volunteers that information....