Just been given this lovely little Paph as an early birthday present and all it said on the label was Pinnochio and its from a dutch grower. It has lovely mottled leaves and the flower is fully open. There are two more growths apart from the one that is flowering. I want to ask two questions : is it a Pinnochio and care hints and tips for getting more flowers please
Thank you
Hedge and congrats on your new Paph. !!! Just like any other chids there are addicting. I'm up to 9 in less than a month Here is what Paph. Pinocchio looks like.Paph Pinocchio so I don't think that this one is Pinocchio but I'm not an expert on this field. Let someone more experience help. Anyways it's beautiful !!!!
It's definitely not Paph Pinocchio, but it's really nice looking! I wish I got B-day presents like that! Sometimes the labels get switched. I don't know much about Paphs since I don't have any yet, but you'll get more blooms on new fans. If the two growths you mention are new growths, then once they mature you should have some blooms.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
even though it is probably no Paph Pinocchio you seem to describing additional buds. Should it act like a Pinocchio you could expect the flower to last about 1 month to be almost immediately followed by another. I have have 8 blossoms since January 2008 and another one is on that stalk. Furthermore, a new spike is rapidly growing with a partially opened bud.