Originally Posted by Kona's Gold
Here in Hawaii at a elevation of 1450ft the humidity goes up at night from around 60-75% in the day to 80-95% at night. Temps range from 76-85F days and 62-67F nights.The orichids in my shade house are doing just fine. So I would chime in with Ray and say 30% is too low keep it up to at least 40%.
I agree with you and Ray. I grow in a greenhouse, and my temps and rh are spot on with yours. My Orchids like it like that!
Perhaps she is talking about windowsill (or other set-up) growing in a
home. Humidity is A LOT harder to control there. Up until about 7 years ago I was a "house grower", and I could really never get my plants' environment humid enough to suit me (OR them).