If's it of any help to you, I did manage to bring back a catt that had no roots left. I picked it up for free in a garden center. I potted it up in some coarse medium, and heavily misted the surface everyday. Since it was growing season (june) the catt put out nice new growths, with plenty of roots. Now a year later the 12cm pot is absolutely stuffed with roots.
Another solution that works quite well to rescue rootless catts is water culture. Clean up all the dead roots, and put it in water up to the the base of the bulbs. Change the water once a week about. There will be green algae growing but that is not a problem. I rescued a completely rootless dying den that way (now has 6 new growths and roots after 4 months in water), and apparently catts do the best in water. Once there are nice roots, they usually take very very well to s/h culture since the roots are tailored to wet environments.
This thread is a nice example (with nice results on pg 3)
Also, I looked at the earlier posts in the thread, and you put too much rooting at the base of the plant. Hormones do help new roots appear, but putting too much has the opposite effect: it blocks root growth. Normally (on cuttings at least) it needs to applied on a slightly damp cutting base, and the excess should be removed by tapping on the edge of a table for example