It's been a while but there is some developments with my Cattleya... All the leaves are now all wrinkled.... though they keep their normal colour... what caused this change and what can I do???
I wondered too, were I could buy good orchids in Quebec not too expensive?
ive noticed a seller here on the forum who lives in Montreal, you might try looking for them in the classified here, they have lots of lovely looking plants and seems to be not to expensive prices
Wrinkled leaves are usually a sign or dehydration. I would check the leaves. What are your growing conditions ??? I saw that you had coconut husk chips as your growing medium on one of the pictures. That might be one of the problems of not the major problem and I also saw some bad medium. I would check the roots first and if they feel soft and mushy cut them off and rinse with a Listerine solution to prevent any more infections from getting into the rhizome. Look for new growths aka "eyes" if you see any then there is a chance of having development. I would try to repot to fresh medium NOT consisting of coconut chips and try watering about 5 to 7 days using KLN in the water. Some newer pictures would be great and good luck with it !!!
I water once a week (a bit less in winter) fertilize once every 2 weeks. I poor in 2 litres of water (which I let get warmer for a couple hours) and let it flush thoroughly the medium... I heard some people let the pot in water for a couple of minutes... would that be better???? Should I water more often???
I can't find some better medium near were I live but I have some sphagnum... could that help if I mix it in ?? (These photos are kind of old...)
It sounds like you might have some root damage. I have a catt that the leaves started to wither and when I took it out of the pot it only had 1 healthy root. If it is root damage and you don't have many roots you may want to try Spag-n-Bag Sphag-n-Bag If you do decide to use sphagnum to plant in just be careful that you do not overwater. I've had some issue with overwatering sphag but a lot of people swear by it. Hope this helps!
Ok, so I went to buy some rooting hormone (stim-root). I took the orchid out (had to cut some more roots! ), wash it in water and put the last 1cm of the roots in Stim-root before repotting it. I took some sphagnum peat moss, wet it and put it in a bag with my orchid (the whole pot too)....
Is that alright???
I've took some pictures... (after cutting).Just so you can see the roots and leaves...
Do you think my orchid will make it?? Any further suggestions????
It looks like it might still stand a chance. Make sure that you don't have the plant where it is getting direct sunlight while in the bag. You don't want to cook it :-) Keep us posted. Hope it gets better soon.