Hi everyone! I am new to Orchids, want to get into them, and looking for basic info on two Orchids that I have. ( food, light, water, temp) I have had a phalenopsis for about 5 months now and I just bought a huge dendrobium that I've had for like a week. The phalenopsis had blooms when I got it but not now, although it just started a "bud" that I believe will turn into a flower. I read the "tags" but need more info.

I have been watering with room temperature RO water, and feeding with that new "Peters" orchid food. Both are inside the house next to a west-facing window. I am also worried about temperatures. It's soon going to get hot here, and even with the air on it's still hot inside the house. Possibly high 80's. Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!!!!!!!!!