This poor guy is my favorite because he is just embracing life with the tools he has.
My wife had him in Berlin in an appartment with poor sunlight. None of her orchids did well there, so I brought them all to my appartment in Franconia. I have a large, SE facing window with lots of light. All of her orchids but one has bloomed here, including this sorry looking guy. Spectacular.
While it was in Berlin, all the leaves except this one fell off. This one mangy leaf has kept this plant alive and blooming for over a year, and now it has a keiki!
What should I do to help him out? My instincts (I am a beginner and know little about orchids) is to cut the keiki off once it shows some roots and plant it, cut the dead stump above the leaf on the main plant (hoping that it would allow more leaves to grow), and repot the main plant. It is still in the plastic tub that we bought it in (in some supermarket somewhere).
Thanks for any help and advice you have!