In the book I am reading one of the characters is selecting from amongst his orchids for ones to display for his visiting family. There are three mentioned and it's the last I am wondering about most.
The first he picks is a phalanopsis, with pale yellow flowers... so it could be anything.
But the second is Oncidium ornithorhynchum
"bearing a cloud of dancing rosy-lilac blossoms of quaint birdlike form". First I was suprised to find the orchid exists then that the description seems acurate from this picture I found through google.
ONC00252 - Oncidium ornithorhynchum
So now I suspect the author knows something about orchids or has done some research.
I can't find reference to the third though, Fujiwara Azurine 'atmosphere'. Described as having
"three splendid sky-blue flowers, each nearly eighteen centemeters wide".
Those flowers sound HUGE... can there really be orchids with flowers that large!