Hey Linnie...sorry for the long wait for an answer. I use a mix of media for my plants. Usually I get the media from OFE International in Miami and I usually get 1 or 2 cu ft bags. My mix is:
1 part of cattleya mix
1 part of phalaneopsis mix
1 part lava rock
1 part of dolomite
The cattleya mix has treefern, coconut chips, spongerock, bark.
The phal mix has shredded coconut, spongerock and I believe more bark.
This mix gives you organic and inorganic elements so it doesn't break down as fast. If you buy from local dealers, most of them get their mixes freom either OFE or Tropical Plant Products. This is what works for me.
I'll find room for it!!!! I just make the shaderoom bigger, what is another 12 feet??? Oh, I did that already!!!!