Well, I'm back online after a 2 month absence, and starting grad school. Unfortunately, the student admin ran out of rooms on campus, and I'm spending the next 3 weeks in a bungalow in a camp, in a forest, 1 hour away from town (

). Just me, housemates and the chids!
So my orchids are in my room (read: small dark closet) but it is super super dark. So dark that I need to turn on a light to read, even in the middle of the day. Will the orchids suffer a lot from this? 3 weeks is short and long at the same time, so I'm worried especially for the growing phals, my neos and catt, and heck, the rest of them too. Stupid me forgot my lights back home in France.

The alternative is putting them all outside, but I'm afraid of them being stolen since it's a camp full of people. I guess I'll have to do that, at my own risk.
For the winter I'm going to try to find them a spot in the university's greenhouses.