Killing yet another Phal...(Crown Rot?)
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Killing yet another Phal...(Crown Rot?)
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:56 AM
smith581 smith581 is offline
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Killing yet another Phal...(Crown Rot?) Female
Exclamation Killing yet another Phal...(Crown Rot?)

I am a VERY amateur orchid grower. Received my first one Feb 2006 as a gift from my boyfriend and since then I have killed 2 Phal's and it looks like I am well on my way to putting another one under. We're not giving up, however. We are addicted to trying to keep these things alive!

Our most recent purchase in early spring is a Phal. Join Angel 'M-P0405' that apparently was potted way too tightly in Sphag. Moss, which caused the healthy leaves to turn yellow and fall off. We're now down to two green leaves. The pictures make the remaining roots look less healthy than they do in person. The remaining ones are all firm and green-grey in color, though it still isn't looking good.

From researching the message boards, it looks like I have a case of possible crown rot. I removed the dead/rotten roots, treated with H2O2 and sprinkled cinnamon on the remaining healthy roots. I am getting ready to repot in a bark/charcoal/perlite mix purchased from Lowe's. Does anyone have anymore tips or suggestions for me? I'm determined to keep an orchid alive for more than 2 years!
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Old 08-06-2008, 11:10 AM
Swamper Swamper is offline
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I admire your determination. It looks like you took the right steps so far. I would suggest in the future that when you buy one repot it sooner, like the same day. That should get you to at least your first goal of having it live till the old age of 2. Never water on top of the leaves so that you dont get crown rot, although Im not sure thats what you got.
Personally Im trying that new? at least for me, medium with the little balls everyone seems to think they are up on it here
Good luck.
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Old 08-06-2008, 11:27 AM
Lorraine Lorraine is offline
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Sorry you lost your first phals. Most of us have also. That's how I learned anyway. Glad you're not giving up You found a great forum to get information.

First off it doesn't look to me like crown rot since you still have the newest leaves. But cross your fingers. Treating with the cinnamon was good to do. If it were my chid I would put it in a med size basket with moss (prewet to make easier) just as a liner to keep the bark mix from falling out. I stuff the spag in betwen the slots on the sides. Then plant loosely with the mix. Water from the bottom (let it soak up the water for about 5-6 minutes set your timer so you don't forget. I use a dishpan with enough water to reach the top of the mix. You will need to water when the inside mix is dry. (4-5-6 days) If still damp wait another day or 2 . Your growing conditions will be your guide. Hopefully soon you will see new growth/roots coming from the area where the old leaves were. You can add liquid fertilizer to the water. I use 1/2 strength for newbies. They will grow down to the moisture. After time they will grow around the wood basket and be very happy.
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Old 08-06-2008, 11:31 AM
betwixtimes betwixtimes is offline
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There's a root booster I hear about, but you're only suppose to do it ONCE. Or it can kill the plant. Over fertilization is a bad thing to do, like over watering or improper watering (from what I've seen)
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Old 08-06-2008, 02:26 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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I don't think the plant has crown rot - I don't see the classic signs of that, which would be blackening, softening, and necrosis in the crown area. I do fear that you have had some root rot, however, and it's most likely from overwatering. More new Phal. growers (and houseplant growers in general) kill their plants from overwatering than from underwatering.

This is a plant that can be saved. It's been stressed and will take a while to recover, so don't expect it to bloom again next Spring, but it'll survive and bloom again the the future if you just give it a little bit of care.

Since you're in West Virginia you aren't going to be growing outdoors, so while I think Lorraine's suggestion for potting is a good one I'm not sure it's appropriate for your conditions. I'd suggest using the clear plastic pot you've photographed with it (if it has good drainage holes), or something similar. With a clear pot you can see in and tell when the roots are still wet so that you won't overwater. If that's the same pot the plant was in before, though, I'd wash it out with bleach and then thoroughly rinse it before potting up. You might also consider dipping the roots and base of the plant in a fungicide solution just to make sure that whatever has caused the problem is eliminated.

For your conditions, something like a bark mixture would probably be best, so what you got at Lowe's should be fine. Phal's like to be securely potted, so pack the material as tightly as you can without crushing the roots, and if the plant wobbles at all use a stake to stabilize it. Once it's potted, the plant needs to rest and recover for a while, so let it sit in a place with just a bit less light than it normally receives. Err on the side of allowing the medium to get a bit too dry and compensate by making sure the plant is regularly misted - though don't allow the misting to let water sit in the crown! You should see new root growth fairly soon, and when you do you can move the plant back into the normal light conditions.

Good luck!
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Old 08-13-2008, 05:42 PM
smith581 smith581 is offline
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Killing yet another Phal...(Crown Rot?) Female

Unfortunately, I must report that my Phal died. I'm so frustrated in this "hobby"!

After the things I did, a mere two days later the two remaining "healthy" leaves turned yellow, dropped off and the plant died. When I took it out of the new pot, the entire crown had turned white, and there were small white beads on the base of the leaves. The roots looked like some sort of mold or fungus had attacked.

Any idea what this is, and any advice for my next purchase and shot at growing one?
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healthy, orchid, phal, remaining, roots, crown, rot, killing

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