Phals last leaf turning yellow - HELP!!
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Old 08-05-2008, 12:09 PM
angel415 angel415 is offline
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Phals last leaf turning yellow - HELP!! Female
Exclamation Phals last leaf turning yellow - HELP!!

I went out of town this weekend for two days and left my last phal sitting on a southern window. When I got back last night, its lasssst leaf had turned a little yellow.

Now, I don't know how bad a leaf turning yellow on you can be. Could it have been heat? When we leave the house and turn the A/C off, it gets about 90F in here. My phal gets good sunlight in the morning sitting on the window..and towards the afternoon, its gets a little shady - but its still pretty good light. It was a little dry last night so I watered it and set it back to its spot on the window.

Please help me...I just had my most beautiful phal die on me last week and I don't want this one to join it in orchid heaven

This is a BEFORE phal sitting on the balcony. I know that spot came from sun damage, I kinda forgot about it one day.....its okay to just leave it the way it is, right? The leaf has seemed fine with it...

It looked like this when I got home last night...any idea why?? Could my theory of heat be correct? I need to correct the problem - I don't wana watch it die slowly if its leaf falls off.....
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Old 08-05-2008, 12:28 PM
Lene Th. Lene Th. is offline
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Im not an expert, but it looks like the crown is damaged as well? Has it got crown-rot before?
From the pic, there seems that it will have trouble growing new leafs from the crown, and if this is the case, there may be difficult to save the plant...
That may alsow be why the leaf is turning yellow, if it cant grow more leafs, it will probably die.
You may hope for a keki, they will sometimes throw out either a basal-keki, or a keiki on the spike, if the mother-plant is in trouble.

Hope someone more knowledble tunes in, and have another solution...
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Old 08-05-2008, 02:27 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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Well, I hate to be negative but it appears as though the leaf is beyond salvage, and it looks like the crown has suffered either rot or some other damage. I'm sorry to say this, but the plant is not in good shape. Quite likely you will lose it. However, there's a chance. Some might suggest using keiki paste on the existing stems, but I'd not do that. What is left of the plant will have to expend a lot of energy trying to grow keikis from the stems that it would likely sap it before it could establish a new plantlet. Your better bet, IMHO, would be to cut the stems down about a half an inch from the base. Then just let the plant sit. It may grow a basal keiki, which would, at first, look very similar to a new spike coming in, except it would likely be from lower on the plant than a new spike.

Phals don't need a southern exposure to thrive. In fact, the southern exposure could actually be too much light for the plant, though I don't think that's the problem with yours.

Good luck with it!
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Old 08-05-2008, 03:24 PM
Becca Becca is offline
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I too agree that it is to late for the plant it's self or any keiki's from stems....but you never know with the main plant it's self....Do you know how the roots are? If the roots are still may put out a basal keiki as suggested above. I have had a phal with crown rot damage even start to grow a new just never know....but it will take a lot of patience on your part...months and months and months! I would put it some where humid and shady and see what happens if you can tough it out. For example....I have a phal that was completely rootless...thought it was the end, but it still had leaves...I let it sit in an empty pot in high humidity and shade and it has since put out two new roots...I know you have a different situation...but it just goes to show you that months of patience does pay off occasionally!
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Old 08-05-2008, 04:57 PM
angel415 angel415 is offline
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Phals last leaf turning yellow - HELP!! Female

Well my question to all of you is that why did it stay green for so long? has looked exactly like the 1st pic for the longest time. The only time I neglected it was this weekend when I left it sitting on the window. I don't think my plant sustained any crown rot...only some really bad sun damage. It had 2 or 3 leaves on top of this last one...I think thats why its crown looks the way it looks - dry. Could the dryness prevent new leaves from growing?

When I do cut the stems, do the scissors need to be sterilized? How will this help the plant?

Here's pics of both sides of the bottom of the plant...some roots DID dry out but ones under the bark and moss do look nice n plump, they're firm too. Some gray, some green...

Is there anyway to repair the crown? Could it grow a leaf from the bottom??..........
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Old 08-05-2008, 05:02 PM
Becca Becca is offline
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Angel....when was the last time you checked the roots? I can't tell you why the leaf stayed green for so long...phals are funny like could have just been clingy to life for that long and decided to let go that leaf finally....I dunno...but sounds good to me...sorry I am not much help. The reason I ask when you last checked the roots is I wonder if it has something to do with the condition of the roots other then from what you can see from the top?
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Old 08-05-2008, 05:10 PM
angel415 angel415 is offline
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Phals last leaf turning yellow - HELP!! Female

Originally Posted by Becca View Post
Angel....when was the last time you checked the roots? I can't tell you why the leaf stayed green for so long...phals are funny like could have just been clingy to life for that long and decided to let go that leaf finally....I dunno...but sounds good to me...sorry I am not much help. The reason I ask when you last checked the roots is I wonder if it has something to do with the condition of the roots other then from what you can see from the top?
Will I hurt it if I check the roots out? I've read that it kinda hurts the plant when you mess with the roots...if it won't hurt, I can take a peek and snap some pics. Thanks for your time and help.....
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Old 05-13-2009, 04:26 PM
SamandAnne SamandAnne is offline

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Phals last leaf turning yellow - HELP!!

Originally Posted by jkofferdahl View Post
However, there's a chance. Some might suggest using keiki paste on the existing stems, but I'd not do that. What is left of the plant will have to expend a lot of energy trying to grow keikis from the stems that it would likely sap it before it could establish a new plantlet. Your better bet, IMHO, would be to cut the stems down about a half an inch from the base. Then just let the plant sit. It may grow a basal keiki, which would, at first, look very similar to a new spike coming in, except it would likely be from lower on the plant than a new spike.
Hi...very curious...if Angel lets the plant sit...would you just let it sit, or water it on a certain schedule, etc? Put it in an east or west window? I'm wondering because I have a phal in the exact same state (two good former aerial roots now planted, and no leaves), and I'm hoping to have it pull through, even if it takes months.

Also, from my experience with my phal, I'd suggest checking the roots so you know what you are working with. Cut off any mushy ones that may have rotted and apply cinammon.

For cutting, what I've heard is to use sharp clippers or a razor that have not been used on any other orchid. Sometimes people dip in a fungicide, but I haven't heard that mentioned as much. Then be sure to put cinammon on the cut end to prevent infection.

Others can chime in, but I'm wondering if putting it in a clear, ventilated orchid pot could help, since the roots themselves can photosynthesize? And then, if it's just sitting, Angel could see if anything's happening? What does everyone think? Since Angel may already be taking it out to check the roots?

Last edited by SamandAnne; 05-13-2009 at 04:31 PM.. Reason: typo :)
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Old 05-13-2009, 05:41 PM
Blondie Blondie is offline
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Can you show a "full body" photo? I'm curious as to what the tops of those stems look like? You can pull out the plant, check the roots, and put it back in if you're gentle. If the roots are rotten, that would be my main concern. The crown also seems very close to the bark. Is it possible that a bunch of water got in there while watering? That could cause the crown to rot.

Without leaves, it will have a rough time, but it might be saved. Stranger things have been known to happen and I never like to give up before something is really, really dead.

I'm of the opinion that the heat and the light got to it. Not all phals can handle a huge blast of sun on a hot day--which you already know from the leaf burn. I always keep my phals next to E/W windows only so they don't get too much sun.

And also since you lost your fav phal, I highly suggest awarding yourself a special trip to go buy a new favorite!
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Old 05-19-2009, 06:33 AM
katesgrey katesgrey is offline
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Phals last leaf turning yellow - HELP!! Female

It looks to me like the roots may be rotting, or perhaps a combo of crown rot and roots becoming rotten. DON'T WORRY about messing with the roots, the best thing to do in my opinion is to fully repot it, but if you don't want to do that, then at LEAST pull some bark away from the top, and really try to see what the roots look like down below. They very well may look plump and green at the top but be rotting in the middle part of the pot, which will slowly kill the plant. Also, great advice to put it somewhere shady!!!!This really helps a stressed phal. Sometimes orchids do best if you just trim away dead roots, stick 'em in a pot, add a bit of bark or sphagnum,leave them somewhere humid and shady, and ignore them. Its true, I swear!

Good luck, keep your results posted! And, I agree with the last post-go orchid shopping! Get a new little guy to worry about.
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leaf, night, phal, sitting, window, yellow, phals

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