Originally Posted by bonsai1504
i pot mine in a clear pot and when the roots turn white i water. very simple.
(looks like a good root system!)
I do the same. When we got the first Phal a few years ago my husband was really impressed that this plant could tell us when it needed watering by changing root colour.
How often you need to water varies based on so many factors. I have three on the same window ledge and one needs watering more often that the others because it's in new bark when the others are in older bark. It looked from you photo like you had a clear pot so using the root colour as a guide is probably the best way.
I usually water really thoroughly, sometimes even standing it in water for an hour or so. But it is very important to ensure the water is drained well afterwards.
I use an outer decorative pot which is one and a half inches taller than the inner clear pot and has a ledge inside arround one and a half inches above the bottom. (I think it may be specially for orchids as it was being sold alongside phals in the shop.) The inner pot sits on the ledge clear of the bottom with it's top level with the top of the outer pot. This is great as any excess water can drain into the outer pot and be far away from the plant. After watering I hold the plant over the sink until most of the water has stopped running out, then leave it in the outer pot to continue dripping.