This is my first post, so please, be gentle.
In general, my question is this: Can anyone point me to a reliable and readable compiled list of orchid species and suggested yearly fertilization schedules for each?
I have been using a balanced fertilizer monthly, and generally everyone seems happy, but there have been a few stragglers. For example, my phal has yet to produce a bud that doesn't turn red and flimsy and fall off well before it blooms. (Of course, this could be for any number of reasons, but since I have tried many kinds of light, moving the plant away from sources of methane, etc. now I am trying new fertilizer.) And I would like to give everyone their most desired amounts of NPK.
I have purchased a few different kinds, though I can't find 10-30-20 in the bay area, which I understand is an orchid grower haven, and I have also purchased some superthrive, because why not?
At the moment, among my non-orchid plants, I am growing: an Oncidium which just lost its flowers and is experiencing new canes; a hardcane dendro with two keikis and new growth (and a little fungus problem, but that's another story); A crazy-tall dendro (at least 4 feet) with flowers and new canes; An encyclia Green Hornet with lots of new growth; a cattleya with new growth; an Epidendrum about to lose its last flower; a Phal with buds that will surely die as the rest have; a cymbidium in new growth that has slowed since repotting; a miltonia that I overpotted and is just now recovering with new growth; a paph that lost its flower

. Additionally, I have two Nepentheses, though I know those aren't orchids....
Can anyone give me advice about what NPK ratios these guys should be getting throughout the year and relatively how concentrated they should be? or, alternatively, can someone point me to some premade schedule? Thanks very much, and I do have plenty more questions, but let's start here.