Can Someone Identify This Orchid
This orchid was given to me a year or so back.
Recently it has grown substantially. Can someone tell me what type of orchid it is? I am guessing some type of hardcane dendrobium? It is about 2 feet tall now, would it be a good idea to support the main stem? It seems healthy so I assume no need to repot. I keep my small collection outside under a sheflera tree on the northwest corner of the house, they seem to like the conditions.
I have divided a cattalya (made 3) and an oncidium (made 2)recently after reading info on this board & they seem to be happy. I was pleasently surprised to see a phal developing what appears to be a new spike, it had flowered a couple of months back.
Sorry I see that I forgot to rotate the pictures.
Tim Abbott
Last edited by tim abbott; 07-19-2008 at 10:54 AM..