I cut all of this phals roots off when I realized that she was suffering from complete root rot. I didn't think it would go well, but I wanted to see how long I could keep her alive.
I figured that since the leaves can still photosynthesize, all I have to do is give the plant moisture. I find that experimenting with dying plants can very educational. So, I stuck my phal in a clear plastic orchid pot with wet sphagum moss, and I put that into a half big gulp cup which I filled with rocks and water. I keep it on my soulth facing deck, which is covered, so the plant gets bright indirect sunlight.
Anyhow, I was checking on it today as I do about once a week, and I noticed something freaky. It's growing a leaf. No roots, but a little leaf from the center. Is this possible or am I hallucinating. Can she be saved? Is there a product I can rub on her that might make it grow roots? I've tried superthrive, no roots but maybe it helped with the leaf? Any input would be greatly appreciated. This orchid is tough!