Hello all:
Just recently I added another victim of neglect to my "orchid hospital": a large VERY dry cattleya; tag is Lc Ronnie von.
I've done all the rescucitation manuevers that I know of as a newbie; repot, nutrients, root hormone, watering, proper light...trying to give her time but she seems to be going backward instead of forward!
Leaves continue to be yellowish-green, dry and split in the center. There are very few thin living roots; I repotted this cattleya in a mix of medium bark, perlite, charcoal and volcanic rock.
I've been watering when the pot feels light and the medium feels dry when I put my finger in approx. an inch or more.
BTW, this cat is approx. 18in. tall.
I'm having great luck with my other patients! All appear to be phals woefully neglected at Walmart (of all places) all gotten for $1 or less!
With great advice from all of you I am seeing new growth on all but one! My
bloomers continue to be quite content.
I'd really appreciate any advice, suggestion, and/or experiences any of you have regarding this cat.
Thank you again!