Me!! I'm a misting addict. I have MistKing Automatic Mister setup in one of my vivariums with orchids. The Phal, the Cischwenfia, the Haraella, and the Pluerothallis love it. The Platystele didn't like it so much, but loves the hand misting two times a day. Its all about air circulation really. I have one small phal in another vivarium that gets misted by hand only 1 every two or three days. Its very happy.

Looking for a misting system? Look no further. Automated misting systems from MistKing are used by multitude of plant enthusiasts and are perfect for Orchids. Systems feature run dry pumps, ZipDrip valve, adjustable black nozzles, per second control! Automatically mist one growing shelf or a greenhouse full of Orchids. See MistKing testimonials |
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti