Confusion is the least of your mental anguish when it comes to the topic of what and how much/often to feed orchids. Most say to feed
weakly weekly because most orchids are grown in medium that doesn't retain much of what we feed them. I can't say much about the product you've mentioned because I've never heard of it...but that doesn't mean much, either, since there's lots of things of which I'm brain-dead! Most "booster" food has an increased amount of phosphate and potassium and less nitrogen in the mix because they (not sure who 'they' are) say this helps stimulate the roots and flowering while the nitrogen does its thing on leaf growth. So that would mean you should be using a higher nitrogen content food now if your specific orchid is in a "growth" period and in about mid/end July switch over to a low N and higher PO4/K. Then the issue of urea vs non-urea...and the story about plant food goes on and on and...well, you get the picture....Good Growing. I'm sure no matter what you use, your chids will look GREAT! Just make sure the take a bath every nite.