The ID of this plant is difficult without flowers. I can hazard a guess that it's probably some sort of Laelia, Encyclia, or Schomburgkia because of the shape of the pseudobulb.
I'm sure your friend had good intentions by giving you this plant as a gift, but...
Your friend got ripped off.
Who in this world is so bent on making a profit, that they sell some unknowing person an orchid with only one mature pseudobulb?! That's messed up. Your chances of successfully growing this plant has dropped considerably because of this.
I'm not saying you have no chance, but it's chance for long term survival is very rocky. In the future I advise purchasing a division with at least three backbulbs, and at least one lead growth. I only make an exception to this rule unless I'm certain I can pull something off successfully with one or two pseudobulb(s).
Nontheless, grow as you normally would. Cross your fingers it'll take off growing like no other.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 05-13-2008 at 09:53 PM..
Reason: sentence structure