Originally Posted by LaurenRebecca
I live in Louisiana so it’s pretty humid. I will try potting it in only bark and deeper in the pot. How often do I water it if I change it to only bark? Only when the roots look silvery?
You cannot water on a set schedule. It should be “when the plant needs it.”
Look at it from a different perspective:
Water is the true driving force for growth. A plant - any plant - must absorb and process about 25 gallons to add 1 pound of tissue. It will also lose about 95% of what is absorbs through leaf transpiration, so the net it must absorb is on the order of 500 gallons!
What that means is that you should try to provide as much water as possible…BUT - orchids do most of their gas exchange processes through their roots (most terrestrial plants do so through their leaves), so you must make sure they get lots of air at the same time. Potting the orchid in a medium sized bark is probably a reasonable option for you, but keep it well watered.
Water does NOT cause root rot and orchids do not need to dry out between waterings. If you potting medium is too dense, water is held in the voids, cutting off airflow and gas exchange, and the roots suffocate and die. If your mix is coarse enough, that can’t happen.