I have a little more time to answer. In most homes Phal. roots that are exposed like this don't look great because the ambient humidity is too low. Most of us try to keep the medium level up to the neck of the plant, where the leaves emerge, so the roots are buried in the more humid medium. I would not leave a plant with roots like that exposed, and I would not pot one so high.
Keep in mind Phals. always need lots of air at the roots, which is why it's not good to soak moss if that's the growing medium. All that water forces out the air.
Phals can be repotted at any time. A lot of people use medium to large bark. This provides lots of air spaces so the roots can stay moist but still have lots of air. You can water Phals. in bark frequently and not worry about roots suffocating.
Moss is also a great medium for Phals., but as I and others mentioned before, you don't want to soak it when you water.
Temperature is critical. Phals. are warm growing plants. If your home temperatures hover around 60 F / 15C they won't be happy. The evaporative cooling from moist moss makes the medium even cooler. That's why I asked the question about temperatures in your growing area. It's very important to know.
Last edited by estación seca; Yesterday at 05:21 PM..