Around 65°F night to 70-85°F day is a safe and good range for a Phalaenopsis. Doubtful your Florida room played a part light-wise, unless it was in direct sunlight. Looks more to me like your paranoia of overwatering went too far. Leaves (as well as those papery roots) look dehydrated. Kudos for not cutting off all those papery roots.
New roots tailor themselves to their present surroundings. Only do that water culture if you want to try and leave it in water. If you want to grow in a bark medium, put it in the smallest pot that it will fit in with bark medium. Water it more often, but let it drain well. Try to keep humidity at least 60% around it. Water doesn't kill orchids. The problem is usually not enough air flow around the roots. So water, let drain, and when the "plump" root starts to look silvery, water again.
If you start to lose that "good" root, I would use some form of sphag and bag to attempt recovery. On the "search" bar at top of page search for that term.
Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.