I'm new to this forum. I'm also new to growing orchids. Well new in that I've killed two and really want to keep this one alive. I live in the western North Carolina mountains in the USA.
My orchids have suffered the same fate. They were given to me. I watered them and let them grow. But I never did anything else and the roots rotted and died. And then the plant died. Duh.
I asked a friend this time who grows orchids beautifully and she was the one who showed me that all the roots died.
How do I help the plant grow new roots? I put it in new sphagnum moss and a better pot to help it stay moist but not wet. After several weeks it is slowly dying of thirst and I don't see any new roots. I've just placed it in a warmer room and put the humidifier on to keep the humidity higher.
Should I be soaking it in water for a period of time each day/week?
Should I put some root growth powder/gel??? on it to encourage root growth?
I appreciate any suggestions. I don't want to give up yet.
Orchids are rather unique in that they do much of their respiratory gas exchange processes through their roots, rather than through the leaves, as is typical of terrestrial plants.
The biggest key to success is finding a potting medium that holds water AND is still airy, under your growing conditions.
If your climate is cooler/wet, don't use moss, at least not pure moss. Not that it's bad, but it's more prone to accidents and rot. I am not familiar with N. Carolina in particular.