Basic on Zygopetalum?
I belive the title is self explanatory. Give me tips and hints. If you need specifics, it's a mature Zygopetalum James Strauss 'Scentsation' that came with a bloom quite literally today, and i am absolutley in love with the scent.
I've had a No ID Zygo from a lidl (was labeled Zygo and not Odontoglossum/Cambria, and that's quite rare for that brand as it seems). It died a SLOW and painful death. I also had a cambira hybrid that had zygo flowers, but was more odontoglossom-y, not sure if i should mention it. The point is, both went the same way, quite like what my surviving odontoglossum is going trough - putting out new growths at a constant rate, with all of them wilting, either from top or bottom. Didn't matter how much i watered it, less or more, didn't care about light... it just did the same thing over and over. Until it couldn't. Both.
I'd like to fail less this time around, as the fragrance is to die for. So hit me with any useful info you might have - it's love for water, light, fertilizer, whatever.
Also, i've read on quite a few places that they are a good companion plant for cymbidiums, ie they tend to like the same conditions (or at least quite similar). Is that true?
Thank you in advance.