for me, this is the crux of what it means to get "good genetics" and "stud plants". sure, those plants usually will have outstanding traits (flower size, color, etc), but what real breeders want is consistent expression. you probly know that sometimes plants that look like one thing can be something else. inside, the genetics are different. we average home growers have no real way to tell, so have no idea that it won't breed the same as a true member of the species. so, 5 years after trying to use it as a parent and you find out you wasted a lot of time and optimism. this is just one examples of the challenges that novice breeders face in the name of stable genetics.
breeding is so complex. primary hybrids are one thins, but when you add in tertiary or back crosses (forget complex hybrids) the possibilities become too much for any mortal to calculate or predict. asking these sorts of questions, while a valid and worthy task, is akin to asking about drivetrain ratios when you are first learning how to ride your bike at age 5. have you had any successful backcrosses yet?
the best breeders also have the advantage of acres of greenhouses. so sure, after many years it looks like they just know what will happen with a cross, and one cross gives thousands of perfect plants. you know that isnt the case.
it might be my humble suggestion to approach this subject from another viewpoint: just do it and then add to the data pool when you have results. this will teach you more than a million posts. ask yourself 2 ??'s: what is your goal for the cross (pick one you like, but just have something as a target), and then what plants do i need to get to possibly achieve that goal. then its just a matter of sourcing the best plants (genes) possible, which as you know can be one of the toughest parts.
tl;dr - just go for it! good luck
edit: what i really meant to say is sometime there can be a bit of "gatekeeping" in the orchid world, it seems...and my attitude is, who cares what other people say you need to do. if you want to make some attempt at a cross, just go for it....just have others going as well so when your original idea is a total fail you might have some poo that sticks to the wall!!