What DeaC said. Not all Lowe's/Home Depot stores carry them; it seems to be both a regional and individual store thing. The displays are sometimes tucked in hidden corners; the stores rarely care for the plants so they may no longer be healthy when you do find them. They are from a nursery here in Florida (Sun-Bulb) that seems to be a grow out nursery wholesaling under the Better-Gro name 'bag babies', older blooming plants, and orchid supplies. (I don't know about the grow out part, but I have seen 'bag babies' and bloomers from other well known breeding/cloning nurseries. I have also seen plants with their names, both as grex and clone) The plants are of a variety of both species and hybrids, mostly cattleya and vanda alliances. They are in 2 sizes- 'plug' or seedling size babies about $7 and several years from blooming, and near blooming size about $13- these may even be blooming size on plants that bloom small. Others may be a couple years yet. They usually seem healthy on arrival at the stores, and can be an economical choice for the hobbyist who knows what they're getting. The pics on the hangtag are just representative and probably not the grex/species in the bag.
There was a thread recently on Lowe's bag babies, maybe you can find it.
I saw this yesterday and couldn't resist- Encyclia guadelupeae x. tampensis; here's pics of the packaging (pic is of Enc. cordigera var. rosea, so flowers WILL be different)
And here's one I've had for about 2 years now- Bc. Hippodamia x. C. aclandiae (which is Bc. Theresa Ricci); it's had 4 bloom flushes and is falling out of its spaghetti strainer; Pepsi can for size and I'm no great grower

Imagine a couple dozen of these